Historical re-enactment has been a big part of my life for over 20 years and it has enabled me to visit and take part in some wonderful (though sometimes very wet and windy) events across the UK. I have been a soldier in the Roman infantry, an invading Viking raider, a member of a Saxon war band and I have fought and fallen along side King Harold on Senlac Hill.
Just as important as the military aspect of re-enactment is the depiction of domestic life and the crafts of our ancestors. Through "Living History" we can maybe catch a glimpse of every day life 500, 1000 or 1600 years ago.
I have taken my Hands-on Pottery Workshops back to the Late Roman period, through the "Dark Ages", Medieval and Tudor, with occasional forays into the 17th, and 18th century.
Although I have now hung up my re-enactment workshop apron and awning, they remain a very special part of my life and I hope all who attended over many years enjoyed the experience as much as I did.
Just as important as the military aspect of re-enactment is the depiction of domestic life and the crafts of our ancestors. Through "Living History" we can maybe catch a glimpse of every day life 500, 1000 or 1600 years ago.
I have taken my Hands-on Pottery Workshops back to the Late Roman period, through the "Dark Ages", Medieval and Tudor, with occasional forays into the 17th, and 18th century.
Although I have now hung up my re-enactment workshop apron and awning, they remain a very special part of my life and I hope all who attended over many years enjoyed the experience as much as I did.
Building a clamp kiln at Dane Law Dark Age Village at the Yorkshire Museum of Farming, Murton, York.

I have taken part in the Jorvik Viking festival in York for many years,
as a re-enactor, trader & more recently running popular Pottery Workshops.
as a re-enactor, trader & more recently running popular Pottery Workshops.